Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dedication of a Fortress

God is my fortress.
He is dedicated to me
As long as I follow His path.

He is my strong tower,
Where I run when I'm in trouble.
God is my fortress.

He keeps me safe.
He allows me to be tested
And stands dedicated to keep me free.

My fortress can't be seen,
For God is spirit, and invisible,
But He is dedicated to His children.

My fortress is invincible
And will never be torn down.
God is my fortress.

I am dedicated to my God.
I love Him because He loves me,
And as my fortress, He is dedicated to me.

I Didn't Talk to God Today

I didn't read my Bible today,
And I didn't bother to stop and pray.
Now I strongly feel I've gone astray,
Because I didn't talk to God today.

Everything seems to be going wrong.
I haven't even sung any songs.
No matter where I go, I don't belong,
All because I didn't talk to God today.

My face is closed into a frown.
Instead of up, my eyes keep going down.
My feet are no longer firmly on the ground,
Just because I didn't talk to God today.

Oh, Lord, for my failure, I repent,
For I know you are the one God sent,
And that to the cross you went
So I could talk to God today.

Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free.
Thank you for easing my misery.
Thank you for helping me to see
That I really need to talk to God today.


When I'm on the wrong road,
And I don't know which way to go,
I need to turn myself around
So I can be planted on solid ground.

When I turn around and repent,
It isn't too late, for God will relent
And take me back into His arms
To keep me safe from harm.

When I turn from the things I've done,
When I turn and follow God's Son,
I gain supernatural sight
To see God's glorious light.

I'm not a clump of dirt or sod,
I'm a child of the living God,
And I have nothing to fear any day
As long as I walk on the path of God's way.

Jesus doesn't enter my heart by force,
But God's commandments will be enforced
Because they were carved onto my heart
When my life was given a new start.

So when I wind up on the wrong road,
There is one thing I absolutely know -
I must repent and turn my life around
So I can be planted on God's solid ground.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three Line Zingers (a few of them, anyway)

The receipt
Of deceipt
Led to death.
Staying in the light
Gives us life
And takes us to God.
Isn't it odd
We forget that God
Is the final judge?
Why do we rant and rail
When we fail
To follow God's path?
We suffer from rejection
Because of the deception
Of the lies we believe.
Even when life is hard
And we have a broken heart,
God is worthy to be praised.
If our flesh is satieated,
How can we radiate
With the glory of God?
When we allow the intrustion
Of any delusions
We will surely die.
I've wandered
And I've squandered
The blessings God gave me.
I was born into death.
God gave His breath
To bring me back to life.
There is a name I revere,
A name I do not fear.
That name is Jesus.
I have life
For by His stripes
I am healed.
The corruption of my would
Keeps me from being whole
Until I let Jesus set me free.

The Dedication of a Fortress

God is my fortress.
He is dedicated to me
As long as I follow His path.

He is my strong tower
Where I run when I'm in trouble.
God is my fortress.

He keeps me safe.
He allows me to be tested,
And stands dedicated to keep me free.

My fortress can't be seen,
For God is spirit, and invisible,
But He is dedicated to His children.

My fortress in invincible
And will never be torn down.
God is my fortress.

I am dedicated to my God.
I love Him because He loves me.
And as my fortress, He is dedicated to me.