The lonely wail of a whistle
On a train as it barrels through the night
To a destination unknown to me
Strikes a sad note in my heart
On this dark, dark night.
On the train, that whistle is a warning:
"Get ouf of my way,
I'm going on through,
And I can't stop for you."
While that whistle strikes a note of sadness in my heart,
I do understand what it's saying.
When I have troubles,
When I have trials,
I can't let them get me down.
I can't come to a screeching stop.
I tell those troubles and trials,
"Get out of my way,
I'm going on through,
And I won't stop for you."
You see, I have places to go,
People to see, things to do,
And though you try,
I won't stop.
I have someone who keeps me going.
I have someone who picks me up when I fall.
I have someone who give me hope.
I have someone who always loves me.
I have Jesus.
So no, I won't stop.