Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I've Been Here

I've Been Here

I've fallen into the abyss of darkness and despair.
I need to find the light, but I don't know where.
It's so dark where I am.
I want out, but I don't think I can.
Everyone's so busy with their own lives.
I think I'll crawl under something and hide.
No one sees my tears.
No one knows my fears.
As it gets darker day by day,
It's harder and harder to find a way
To get out of this pit
That I don't like one bit.
No one helps, no one seems to care.
Where can I get help? Where?
Is it really so hard to distinguish
Normal tears from tears of pain and anguish?
I thought of killing myself,
Because no one could, or wanted, to help.
Then a tiny spark of light appeared.
Someone truly listened and began to hear,
Saw the darkness of the tears and fears,
Got me help,
So I wouldn't kill myself.

I learned to screen out the bad things I heard;
Learned to listen and read the Living Word.
I learned to seek the light that could guide my way,
Little by little, more every day.
I found my way out of that dark abyss.
It was hard work, but I won, bit by bit.
I stand on the solid Rock now.
I climb back on when I fall down.
I still have many trials and tests,
But I want to give God my best.
He is with me all the time.
More than once He has saved my life.
Many don't understand my devotion.
They don't understand my dedication.
I don't tell much of my story,
But when I do, I give God the glory.
I should be dead.
I'm here instead.
My heart is filled with gratitude
For all that God can do.

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