Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Zingers

Beyond imagination
Is the infiltration
Of God's love for me.

The gift I treasure
Is love beyond measure
That God has for me.

The unseen hope
That helps me to cope
Is God's love for me.

Sometimes I wonder why
God's love doesn't die
When we are so disobedient.

I fall on my face
And I lay prostrate
To honor my God and King.

I have a strong desire
To be filled with the holy fire
Of living for Jesus.


How can I get close to Him
When I am so deep in sin?
Who can take away my fears?
Who will wash away my tears?
Who can conquer the nations
Of condemnatoin, recrimination or damnation?
Who can heal the wounds in my soul?
Who can make me healthy and whole?
How can I ever get to heaven
When I fail again and again?

You do not know how many enemies I slay
When you bow before me to pray.
When you are in the darkest night,
I give you supernatural sight
And you will see the night turn into day
So you can walk on the path of my way.
You must be serious
Seeking me, to be victorious,
For I am your God, your Lord, your King,
And when you trust and obey me, I give you everything.

His Hands

God has such big hands
That He can hold people in all lands.
He holds us in His palm,
Turns our chaos into calm.
When He closes His fingers tight,
He gives us a chance to gain sight.
He spreads them apart a little bit
To let us have trials we won't forget,
So that our muscle of faith
Can become stronger to run the race.
I am a child of God
And don't think it's odd
That I have all I need
Since Jesus set me free.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Family Visit

We’ve been traveling all night long,
The darkness is turning into dawn.
The first pink blush of sunrise
Is showing in the eastern sky.
It was a quick visit so many miles away,
We had no money for a place to stay.
We saw my immediate family.
The years last together were three.
We met in the basement of a local church.
Everyone chipped in with the work.
The chefs can really cook.
The food was really good.
Some thought it weird to say a prayer
Over the food; they don’t seem to be aware
Of how much we have been blessed.
But I’ve been the same way, I will confess,
Until I met my best friend Jesus.
Now He’s the one I trust and in whom I rest.
There was much laughter and lots of talk,
So much news to be caught up.
There was teasing, which caused drama too,
When someone thought others were being rude.
It’s sad in some ways to see how we’ve aged,
And how some things just don’t change.
But I know we are full of the wealth
Of being alive, whether in good or bad health.
I was glad to hear someone say she can’t die yet
Because she has more to do, and she can’t let
Anything stop her from getting it done
So she can say this was the best race she had run.
So even though this trip made me so weary,
I’m glad I got to see my family.