A long time in the car over the past few days. Ten hours from Moberly, MO, to Rice Lake, WI. We started at mom's. She was so happy to see us. I find it funny the girls can't get in her house or leave it without getting a hug. They so don't like to be touched. I understand why, but can't do anything about it. It will change when they get older, I'm sure.
It's funny how things get mixed up. Mom asked me if I'd heard from Jerry recently, and then informed me he'd been in the hospital with an infection in his heart. She was frantic, and putting herself into a tither worrying about him being alone, and dying alone, and all kinds of stuff. I finally scolded her for all the bad thoughts, and reminded her how I wasn't going to talk to her any more when I told her about my cancer because she had me dead and dying and I was trying to live. She says she can't help it. I think we'll have to start limiting the information we give her when something unpleasant happens. I reminded her that Jerry isn't dad; Jerry has and will have friends. If anything happens to him, someone will notify us. I hope the message got across.
It was nice to visit my home church in Newport, MN. I've missed them a lot. Sunday's teaching by Pastor Tom Marxen boilded down to forgiveness; and how we must forgive if we're going to live in the ocean with Jesus instead of in our little boat with a limited view of everything.
And the DNA of God is four parts: God, Spirit, Soul and Body. DNA in the natural has four strands as well because we were made in His image. God is triune (three in one), but His DNA is four parts. I totally get it. Thank you Lord, for my understanding, your grace, and your mercy and your love.
Here's a word:
I love you, so I forgive you.
I loved you enough to send my Son.
I loved you enough to redeem you.
I love you enough to save you.
I love you so much more than you will ever know.
Your sins are washed away with the blood of my Son.
I forgive you because I love you.
How I love you.
Be blessed, everyone. Have a safe and wonderful week in spite of what's going on around you.
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