Driving down a country road on a dark, dark night reminds me of my walk with God.
When there is no light except the moon and stars, you have to be very careful of where you're going. You have trouble seeing, and you can't go faster than the headlights shining in front of you. If you go too fast, you could take a wrong turn and wind up in the ditch or field. When I'm in that stage, I'm all tense and anxious and trying to be in control of something I really have no control over.
When I don't slow down and listen to God, I get sidetracked into something that probably isn't good for me. Getting back on track is a lot easier than getting out of the ditch. Getting back on track requires work as well. I still need to read my Bible; I still need to pray; I still need to worship God.
God is waiting for me to turn around and come back to Him whenever I get sidetracked (and that happens often, though less now than it used to). He loves me whatever condition I'm in. And when I stay focused on Him, He lights my path and the darkness around me dissipates so I can see, especially with my spiritual eyes. When I stay focused on Him, grace and mercy cover my back, arm in arm, and I am safe. As long as I stay focused on Him, grace and mercy help to get me through whatever I'm going through. Faith helps a lot too, and gets stronger every time I have to go through a test of some kind.
I can tell the differences in my walk with God. Sometimes I see only a candle flame, beckoning me to go forward and not look back. Looking back is okay for learning the lessons, but looking back takes my focus off God and I just fall farther and farther away. The candle flame keeps me focused because I can see it even though the darkness is dissipated only a little.
As I move closer to God, the light becomes more like a campfire, warm and welcoming, keeping the darkness at bay. There is comfort in a campfire, and I like watching the embers as the fire dies down.
And the closer I get to God, the bigger and hotter the fire gets, until it's like a bonfire. That bonfire burns away the debris of sin and anything else that doesn't make me pure and holy. It's a cleansing fire, and I become refined in the fire. It doesn't hurt me, although the sound and heat make me think it would. But I come out of that bonfire a better person, stronger, more hopeful, more faithful, more enthusiastic and eager to do what God wants me to do. That fire helps me to become holy, because my God is holy.
God is great. God is good. God loves us so much, and blesses us so much, it's surprising we keep turning away from Him. I'm glad He keeps His arms open wide until I go into them so He can hold me closer than any person on this earth can.
My prayer is that I stay on the path with the light, with Jesus to lean on or carry me when I need it. I pray that for you as well.
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