Monday, November 22, 2010

My Thanksgiving

I've been a little busy and not had time to write here. But last night at church we had a great thanksgiving service, and three sermons in one! It was so fabulous. Pastor asked me to read a thanksgiving poem of mine, so I wrote this.

My Thanksgiving
People often don't understand
Why I so often dance and sing
Praises to the Lord, my God and King.
They understand life's been hard.
They realize it's been a struggle.
But why I dance? To them it's a puzzle.
I used to be a miserable person
With a soul so lonely and lost,
Until I heard of Jesus, met Him at the cross.
I could tell you the story of my life,
But it's really hard to explain
How joy came out of so much pain.
Jesus is the only way I can answer.
He has a special gift to give,
A gift that makes me want to live.
There are so many things He has done:
He pulled me out of the miry clay.
He walks with me each and every day.
Just for me, He was nailed on the cross.
When He died, and shed His blood,
He was thinking of us with unconditional love.
I am a very needy person, so...
He holds me on His lap and in His arms.
He keeps me safe from all harm.
He gives me strength for each test.
He gives me peace so I can rest.
He gives me joy, and the fire of hope.
He mends my heart and helps me to cope.
He gives me sight so I can see
The words of love meant just for me.
He gives me ears so I can hear
How, to Him, I am so dear.
So many blessings I can't even mention,
There's something I don't understand -
How can I waste the blessings flowing from His hand?
How can I not, in the grayness of the dawn,
Honor Him with thanksgiving?
For I am still in the land of the living.
How can I not thank Him for the beauty of a flower
When He keeps me safe in His strong tower?
How can I not thank Him when my life is so full?
How can I not thank Him for saving my soul?
There are so many blessings for me,
But the biggest blessing that sets me free,
The blessing that keeps me thankful every day,
Is that God loves me, no matter what others say.
And for His love that gives life everlasting,
I will enter His presence with thanksgiving,
And let Him know He is my God, my Lord,
The one I will always love and adore.
I pray you have a safe, blessed, and peaceful Thanksgiving. Amen.

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