Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

4th of July, Independence Day here in the US. A question got asked at church: What does it mean to you to be an American? I started to write down all the things it means to me, freedom to worship as I choose, no armed soldiers on corners, freedom to read, write, speak what I want, and so much more. And then I remembered a poem I wrote, and got to read it. It's published in my book "Expressions of Joy".

The Color of My Heart

The color of my heart is red, white and blue
To God and my country, my heart is faithful and true.

For God and America, I'll make a stand
To protect my rights and freedoms in this great land.

I want to live a life full of fire
To work, play and worship as I desire.

To live my life without fear or shame,
To not need someone else to blame.

To walk in the streets bold and upright,
To live a life in the open, out in the light.

To not worry about what I read, write or say,
To do what I want, each and every day.

I'm willing to take on freedom's responsibilities,
To help people over here...and overseas.

I'll support my leaders, whether or not I agree,
Differences of opinion are allowed in the land of the free.

And since the inside of my heart really is red,
I'll weep with those families where blood was shed

Fighting to protect people in other lands,
Those American GIs, every woman and man.

They made a choice, followed orders from the boss.
They did their jobs, at a very high cost.

They're keeping America safe for you and me.
American the beautiful, America the free.

For all this, I'll bless my Father above,
And may God bless America, land that I love.

So for me, the 4th of July is more than fireworks, picnics, having fun. It's a way of life I don't want to end, and I'll continue to respect the offices of this country's leaders even if I don't agree with them, I'll vote, I'll help people where I can, and I will continue to walk in the path God has chosen for me, even when I'm not sure where that path is leading here on this earth. Life is an adventure, and I am willing to experience it as long as I am supposed to. Some days I can hardly wait for the adventure of seeing Jesus face to face. I think heaven will never be boring, or lonely, or any of the bad/sad things we go through here. Some days I want this journey to finish quickly, and others I think it won't be long enough to do all I need to do. What a dilemma!

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